Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Shuffle It

here is another round of songs that i have on my playlist lately. this one is an interesting mix of old and new, funk and rock, a little country feel...yup, anything goes.

Discovery - So Insane

Discovery is the side project of a member of Ra Ra Riot and a member of Vampire Weekend...and it is GOOD. So Insane slows down and ramps up in just the right places, keeping my ears glued to this electro-poppy-catchy piece of goodness. Definitely worth a listen.

Maps - It Will Find You

It's eerie, smooth, catchy - a song that you get sucked into because the pattern of the beat and repetitive melody lure you in. the electro/ambient feel of this one is perfect background music while just hanging out, working, or, writing.

space out -

The Delgados - The Light Before We Land

the string arrangement begins and grabs me...then the harmonizing voices, then the drums come crashing in...ahh, this is just a beautiful song. its a mellow, articulate piece of music that is pleasing to the ear. i can only wish i write something as beautiful one day.

just listen -

N'Dea Davenport - Whatever You Want

N'Dea's smooth and sensual voice blends perfectly with the light melody and beat on this track, causing me to forget everything i'm doing and really get into the groove, while I subconsciously bob my head and move my body to this jam. A true gem on the "Deelicious" album, as recommended by the boss. Thanks again, boss.

Deerhunter - Circulation

this definitely has a more pop feel to it compared to their older stuff, but its still a great song. the catchy guitar riff builds up anticipation to the chorus, but the semi-distorted sound of the rest of the song makes it legit. this is just a rad song to add to a laid back summer playlist for the beach. i'm excited to hear what the rest of the album will sound like.

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