Thursday, July 23, 2009

On Rotation

To beat the office blues and the thought of being stuck inside when the weather outside is just so... is a little playlist of some upbeat and cheery songs that keep me smiling.

Grizzly Bear - Two Weeks

Happy piano, beautiful harmonies. If my morning coffee doesn't wake me up, this song will do.

check it -

Fun. - At Least I'm Not As Sad (As I Used to Be)

The singer from the Format and his new band - excellent, catchy, and, fun.

dig it -

La Roux - Bulletproof

Think Ladyhawke meets the Sounds with electro attitude. My lesbians are onto something here with this chick. I see big things coming, La Roux.

listen -

Passion Pit - The Reeling

This is a perfect afternoon pick me up song when you had too much to eat during lunch and go into a food coma. Passion pit and their synths always perk me right up.

wake up -

Wilco - You Never Know

The breezy, simple guitar in this song is a perfect way to end the day. And the chorus pretty much sums up the day sometimes - 'I don't care...anymore.'

fuck it -

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