Wednesday, July 29, 2009

break it like you mean it

i can't get this song out of my head.

The Bridges - Pieces

it's not even that new, but its just a very, very well written song. the melody, the lyrics, the tempo - everything just feels right. the track feels a little like fleetwood mac with a country twang - powerful female vocals accompanied by intricately written music.

please your ears:

the more i learn about the Bridges, the more I like them. a true family band, all cousins, and mostly female - 4 chicks play instruments and sing while the guy cousin backs them on drums - they are tight knit and most importantly, quality songwriters. i'm looking forward to discovering the rest of their music.

Monday, July 27, 2009

radio ga ga

sitting in my new chair as i write this (thanks Piggy!)

first, sirius online radio decided to charge me an extra fee to listen online - on top of my monthly payment. then i moved onto pandora, but they decided to put a limit on how many hours a month i could listen to my personalized station. damn you, economy. sigh.

but then, i tried iTunes radio - my savior. after several trial and error attempts with a good amount of stations, i've finally settled on a few that satisfy the music nerd in me.

category - alternative
station - WOXY

sitting in my boss' office one day as we were discussing our distaste of these ridiculous charges just to listen to online radio, he suggested WOXY. this small independent station out of Ohio is by far my favorite thing to listen to these days. they truly are on the verge of new indie music. i find myself writing down at least 5-10 songs a day that catch my ear and i go home and download. thanks boss.

category - ambient
station - afterbeat electronica 1.FM

perfect blend of mellow jazz-y smooth songs that somehow flow together. perfect for a chill night, when i feel like mellowing out and writing (like right now). one word for this station - relaxing.

category - alternative
station - errorFM

a cross between WOXY and your favorite classic rock station. the people at error tend to play more mainstream indie artists (does that make sense?) and throw in a classic CCR or Beatles track every now and then. i find myself singing along, sometimes out loud, as i listen at my desk at work.

category - dance
station - disco one

every single song reminds me of my family and life back in new york. i remember growing up hearing my parents play diana ross, KC and the sunshine band, among others, dancing to these songs at weddings, christenings, etc. must be an east coast thing. this station never fails to make me feel a bit homesick. KTU 103.5 anyone?

New York, i miss you.

Thursday, July 23, 2009

On Rotation

To beat the office blues and the thought of being stuck inside when the weather outside is just so... is a little playlist of some upbeat and cheery songs that keep me smiling.

Grizzly Bear - Two Weeks

Happy piano, beautiful harmonies. If my morning coffee doesn't wake me up, this song will do.

check it -

Fun. - At Least I'm Not As Sad (As I Used to Be)

The singer from the Format and his new band - excellent, catchy, and, fun.

dig it -

La Roux - Bulletproof

Think Ladyhawke meets the Sounds with electro attitude. My lesbians are onto something here with this chick. I see big things coming, La Roux.

listen -

Passion Pit - The Reeling

This is a perfect afternoon pick me up song when you had too much to eat during lunch and go into a food coma. Passion pit and their synths always perk me right up.

wake up -

Wilco - You Never Know

The breezy, simple guitar in this song is a perfect way to end the day. And the chorus pretty much sums up the day sometimes - 'I don't care...anymore.'

fuck it -

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Htown's Finest

I'm not usually one for rap or hip-hop. A friend of mine in Houston has been rapping for years, and when he told me he had an album out I was a bit hesitant.

 I must say, my ears were pleasantly surprised.
Think Lupe Fiasco meets Q-Tip with a touch of Jay-Z.

Right from the Intro, "Resilience" delivers. Good beats and catchy melodies throughout, complete with a sample of Cher's 'Gypsies, Tramps & Thieves." These boys make it work. I've been listening  to this album on repeat for a few days now.

Must Listens:

"Never With It"
"Be the Only One"
"Our Gospel"
"Out of Control"

music for cougars

Another reason why I love L.A.

Got home from work, changed, drove 15 minutes down the street to go check out Sugar Ray for an in-store performance. Saw my friend George (their guitar tech), heard some good tunes, met some good people. The band's new album, "Music For Cougars," was released today, and I have to say its perfect summer music. Light and breezy and happy.


"Girls Were Made to Love"
"Going Nowhere"

hot town summer in the city

girl from the east coast living life on the left coast...1 year in.

life must haves: music, sun, friends, coffee.

i decided to start this blog to get myself writing again, since my creative juices have stopped flowing for some reason. short and sweet posts about my adventures and mishaps in the crazy, beautiful, dysfunctional city that is L.A.

stay tuned...

current jam: franki valli - can't take my eyes off you