Monday, November 30, 2009

90s Flashback

One of the many things that I love about LA is that on any given night, I can catch a show by a band that I really love. Or I band that I really used to love, but never had a chance to see live. Last week, my friend Missy asked me if I wanted to go see the band Lit at the Slidebar in Fullerton, to which I immediately responded YES!!!

Ah yes, taking a trip back to my youth on a Monday night and dancing around like I was a teenager again - truly one of the most fun nights I have had in a long time. They played all of their hits, including some rare tracks from their first album. They sounded and looked great, totally got the crowd singing every word. Between jumping and dancing in the middle of the hundreds of fans, I got up close and personal and took some great shots. Check 'em:

This was the first time I had seen Lit live since their drummer Allen, lost his battle with cancer. There were some emotional moments throughout the show, but the band still sounded great. Can't wait til the next one boys!

Monday, November 2, 2009

The Sounds - The Wiltern 10/21 & 10/22

These past few months I have gone to several shows around LA...Metric/Phoenix at the Greek, Sugar Ray at HOB, Mae at the Roxy....but the best show by far was the Sounds 2 night stand at the Wiltern, just 2 weeks ago. I got an e-mail from Live Nation about a 2 for 1 sale and I got super excited and ordered tickets for both Sounds shows, mostly because I ordered for the first night but wanted to see Shiny Toy Guns the second night. But hey, 2 nights in a row of the Sounds at 2 for 1 prices...yeah i'll take that.

The band brought incredible energy both nights. Lead singer Maja reminds me of Gwen Stefani, she has that 'thing,' that presence that just draws your eyes to her. Not to mention she's beautiful. Anyways, the boys and girl rocked it for an hour and a half, playing songs from their old and new albums, even with an amazing live version of their latest single 'tony the beat.' tons of percussion and effects, a great light show and a killer setlist - all in all, worth every penny. can't wait until they come around on their next tour!

New Obsession

My newest obsession and favorite source of new music is the website New artists, remixes and rare tracks - I spend hours on this website. I really, really suggest you check it out! I swear you will be hooked.

Back in Action

So it has been a while since I have written anything on here, but life has just been so crazy and busy that time has just slipped away. I know, I know, its not an excuse but hey, life just gets a little crazy sometimes.

That said, I've discovered so much new music, artists and the like in the past few months that I have no choice but to begin writing about it again, if anything to share it with all of you. I'm inspired again and ready to share my thoughts. So stay tuned, lots of good stuff coming your way..